Sheikha. Dr. Noura Al Qassimi


Dr. Noura graduated from Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, United Arab Emirates University (MBBS). She has a master degree in Ophthalmology from Kasr El Aini Teaching Hospital, Cairo University, Egypt (MSc).

Dr. Noura has a wealth of experience in diagnosis and management in conditions such as Diabetic Retinopathy, Vascular retinopathy, retinal degenerations and dystrophies , macular diseases and inflammatory eye diseases.

Dr. Noura was a resident in Ophthalmology at Bonn University Hospital , where Prof Dr. Frank Holz was the head of the department. Her experiences included general ophthalmology and all the subspecialties including procedures and surgeries. She holds German Board in Ophthalmology (Facharzt).

After the German board, Dr. Noura started Medical Retina fellowship program in Bonn University Hospital for 2 years..

Later on, she joined Moorfields’s Eye Hospital under supervision of Prof Dr. Sue Lightman for 18 months fellowship in Uveitis and Medical Retina. During that period, she was engaged in the clinical practice and research facility, as she conducted several multi center research clinical trials.

In September 2018, she returned back to UAE as a Consultant Ophthalmologist in Shaikh Khalifa Medical City in Abu Dhabi specialised in Medical Retina and Uveitis.

Dr. Noura is fluent in Arabic , English and German